Sunday, June 8, 2008

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking or Web 2.0 is becoming the hottest way of internet marketing, but it seriously has its flaws. We have found this product that is designed to use this medium to get you in front of more people, much faster than before. If you Web 2.0 or Social Bookmarking strategy is sucking then try this out.
Click Here! to get a look at this awesome product.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What is "search engine placement?" Search engine placement is to a website like location is to real estate. The better search engine placement you have, the more quality internet traffic you will get. If you have a retail storefront, the better location you have the more walk in traffic you will have. Now in both instances, it is still your responsibility to get the sell. How do you get that search engine placement" There are several ways. Most people when they are first starting out rely on pay-per-click advertising. This is when you bid on clicks with the major search engines (Google, MSN, and Yahoo). A lot of the minor search engines offer this too, but it is not as popular. The problem with pay-per-click advertising to achieve good search engine placement is that;

1) It gets very expensive quick. 2) As soon as your competition wants to outspend you, they can take over your search engine placement and move you down, or worse yet, back a page. 3) Your competition can click on your ads to raise your advertising costs. 4) Consumers are getting smarter all of the time and click on the organic searches more often than the paid searches.

This leaves the organic searches on the search engines. You want good search engine placement to for your traffic. How do you get good search engine placement? Most people think that there is some form of black magic involved but it really comes down to a few simple things and hard work;

1)Good content on your website-let the search engines know what your website is about. 2)Search engine friendly URL-does your URL tell the search engines what your site is about? 3)Links, especially relevant links both within your website and external links.

It is really that simple. If you take care of the little things the SEO black magic will follow and you will get that good search engine placement that you have been looking for.

You can go here for more information on search engine placement.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Busby SEO Challenge

I have entered the Busby SEO Challenge. What is the Busby SEO Challenge you ask? It is the World Cup or the World Series of Search engine optimizing. After 3 months of optimizing our website for the phrase "Busby SEO Challenge" whomever has their website at the top of Google for the search for that term is the winner, plain and simple. So I ask you to link to my SEO website using the phrase "BUSBY SEO CHALLENGE" as your anchor text to help me out. If you do not know how to do it this simple html code will do it for your. "Busby Seo Challenge

